If you are self-employed, you can pay for NHIF through MPESA or bank. But most people prefer to pay through MPESA.NHIF Paybill number is 200222.
Two of the ways you can pay your monthly NHIF subscriptions is by MPESA or through the bank. If you are SELF-EMPLOYED, you can pay using our MPESA paybill number 200222. The procedure is as follows:
1. Go to your MPESA menu and select Lipa na M-PESA.
2. Choose Pay Bill and enter Business no (200222).
3. Select Account no and enter contributor’s National ID Number.
4. Enter amount (KES 500.00 per month)
5. Enter your MPESA Pin
6. Confirm all details are correct then press OK
You will receive a confirmation SMS from MPESA immediately. The payment will take 2 to 3 days to reflect.
You can also pay at any one of our 4 bank accounts at National bank, Co-operative bank, KCB bank and Equity bank. Use your MEMBERSHIP NUMBER to pay. It reflects immediately in our system.
Below are the NHIF rates:
Salary | Contribution |
KSh 5,999 | KSh 150 |
KSh 6,000 – 7,999 | KSh 300 |
KSh 8,000 – 11,999 | KSh 400 |
KSh 12,000 – 14,999 | KSh 500 |
KSh 15,000 – 19,999 | KSh 600 |
KSh 20,000 – 24,999 | KSh 750 |
KSh 25,000 – 29,999 | KSh 850 |
KSh 30,000 – 34,999 | KSh 900 |
KSh 35,000 – 39,999 | KSh 950 |
KSh 40,000 – 44,999 | KSh 1,000 |
KSh 45,000 – 49,999 | KSh 1,100 |
KSh 50,000 – 59,999 | KSh 1,200 |
KSh 60,000 – 69,999 | KSh 1,300 |
KSh 70,000 – 79,999 | KSh 1,400 |
KSh 80,000 – 89,999 | KSh 1,500 |
KSh 90,000 – 99,999 | KSh 1,600 |
KSh 100,000 & Above | KSh 1,700 |
Self-Employed | KSh 500 |
Most people who pay through the Paybill number are self-employed. They are required to pay Ksh 500 every month.
If you are self-employed, you are attracting a 50% NHIF penalty charge following late payment. For example, if you are contributing Ksh. 500 monthly then you will be paying Ksh. 750 for late payments.