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Forest Ranger salary in Kenya


Forest Rangers work for Kenya Forestry Service & KWS, their monthly salary range between Ksh 25,000 and Ksh 90,000 based on one’s qualifications. A new recruit is paid Ksh25, 000 per month and after two years, the salary is increased to Ksh 35,000 to Ksh 45,000 per month. Highest paid Forest Rangers in Kenya take home Ksh 90,000 to Ksh130, 000 per month, those are people who have worked for KFS for more than 15 years.

The requirements for one to be a Forest Ranger in Kenya include, KCSE Certificate with D+ and above. With a D plain and a certificate course related to forestry, one can be considered for the Forest Ranger position.

The good thing about this job is that it’s permanent and pensionable. One advantage of permanent and pensionable job is that it gives you opportunity to plan your life. You can join a Sacco, save and take a loan which you will use to buy land and build your home. You can also work stress free because you know that the job can’t end anytime—there is job security.

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