Dedicated Server Hosting South Africa Price 2023


Dedicated Servers are ideal for heavy traffic websites. In South Africa, there are a number of web hosting providers which offer cheap hosting services. The cost will be as little as R500 to R3000 per month.

Below is the amount of money each web hosting provider in South Africa charges for Dedicated Server Hosting:

  1. Host Africa (R1, 500 to R 2,625 per month)

This is the starting price.After one month, you will pay R1,500 to R 3,800 per month.

  1. AfriHost(R1020 to 3070 per month)
  2. Telasera(R1499 to R9499 per month

If you have a site that gets up to 10 million visitors per month,Telasera is the best hosting provider for it.The server costing R9499 can handle more than 10 million monthly visitors.

  1. Absolute Hosting(R721.05 to R2656.50 per month)
  2. Paradigm Solutions (R989 to R1599 per month)
  3. RSWEB(R2822 to R6755 per month)

Dedicated Server are ideal for websites receiving millions of visitors monthly. The good thing is that your site doesn’t share resources with other websites.

All hosting companies have monthly packages for companies. When purchasing dedicated server services start with the cheapest, then upgrade to a more expensive one that serves high demanding sites.