EAC Directory has changed its name to HOSTAFRICA EAC LIMITED. The company will now operate under the new name.
The information was communicated to clients and other shareholders today. The company will be operating under KRA Pin Number P051180311A which bears the name HOSTAFRICA EAC LIMITED
Clients who have been hosting with EAC Directory will now be using the details provided by Host Africa.
A message from Host Africa to customers read:
“Dear Valued Customer
We are excited to announce that our application to the company registrars to change our company name from EAC directory Limited to HOSTAFRICA EAC LIMITED has been approved.
This company name change reflects our ongoing commitment to growth and excellence.
Our KRA Pin number P051180311A remains the same, only the name has been changed to HOSTAFRICA EAC LIMITED.
During this transition that will be completed in this Month of June 2024, the following will be changed to reflect the new name.
Standard Chartered Bank Account Name ( The account number remains the same)
Effective immediately, Consider reaching out to us before drawing a cheque or initiating an Electronic Funds Transfer transaction to our account, so that we can advise you on the beneficiary’s name to use. This will ensure that your transaction is not unpaid at the bank due to a mismatch in payee name.
We will issue a communication when this Bank Payee name change process is completed”
Last year, Host Africa acquired Sasa Host, one of the best web hosting providers in Kenya. All clients which were under Sasa Host are now hosted by Host Africa.
Host Africa important details
Mpesa Paybill number: 890500
Email address: support@hostafrica.com
Phone number: 0709399000
Website: hostafrica.ke
Types of Hosting offered by Host Africa
- Shared Web Hosting
- Email Hosting
- WordPress Hosting
- VPS Hosting
- Dedicated Server Hosting
- Windows Cloud Servers
- Managed cPanel Servers
- Reseller Hosting
Key features that make Host Africa the best web hosting company in Kenya
- 30-day money-back
- Fast & expert support
- Hassle-free migrations
- 24/7 monitoring
- 9% uptime guarantee
- After-hours support
- Locally hosted servers
- No contracts
- Scalable recourses
- Free daily backups
Cheapest web hosting plans
At Host Africa, you will host your site for as low as Ksh 420 per month. This means that in a year, you will spend less than Ksh 5,000 to host your site here. The plan is under Shared Hosting.
Below are the cheapest hosting prices per package:
- Shared Hosting—Ksh 420 per month
- Dedicated Server—Ksh 10,400 per month
- VPS Hosting—Ksh 860 per month
- Windows Cloud Hosting—Ksh 4,400 per month
- WordPress Hosting—Ksh 420 per month
- Web Hosting Reseller Hosting—Ksh 1,150 per month
- VPS Reseller Hosting—Ksh 688 per month
- LiteSpeed Reseller Hosting—Ksh 1,550 per month