There are several factors that you’ll consider before selecting the right web hosting company. Web hosting company is very important for a website, it’s like a permanent house for you. So when you are in the process of selecting the right hosting company, do thorough research. If you don’t do your homework well, you’ll keep on migrating from one company to the other.
Here is are factors to consider when choosing the best web hosting service:
- What are your website needs?
You first need to know the amount of traffic your website required, the type of a website you own and the website’s future demands. If you have created a blog that you believe it will be getting millions of visits monthly, you can’t go for a small hosting company—pick Managed WordPress hosting with high quality servers. In this case you can select a company like Kinsta which will comfortably sustain over 3 million visitors per month,check their prices through this link
If you need shared hosting services, go for Bluehost because it hosts over 2 million clients who are much satisfied. Bluehost also gives you the opportunity to register your domain. To learn more about the company,click on this link
- Money-back Guarantee policy
Money- back guarantee is also very important for those looking for good hosting company. Most of the companies have set 30 or 60 days to return your money in case you apply for a refund. If you find that a particular company does not offer refunds, that’s a clear sign that their services aren’t good. The idea behind this policy is to give you the services for a particular period to decide whether to continue with the company for a long period or to drop it based on the quality of their services.
- Resources allocated by each plan
You should check the resources allocated to your website by each plan. There are companies which try to minimize resources by allocating limited resources to websites so as to maximize profit. Good companies even add more resources for free especially when a website exhausts the allocated resources.
Some of the most common features to look at are:
- Free SSL Certificate
- Storage capacity
- Bandwidth
- cPanel
- WordPress integration
- Free domain
- Free migration
- Customer support
You should also be keen to know how they treat their customers. Before buying their services, go online and check reviews for the company. Visit their Facebook page and see comments from the clients. If majority of them are satisfied, it’s a clear indication that it’s not a bad company. You can even go further and interact with some of the clients through social media.
Good customer support should be 24/7.
- Renewal policy
This is where there are so many issues with hosting companies. Majority of the companies won’t tell you how much you’ll pay when renewing your services. I remember one of them charging me $70 for the first year and when I was renewing the price was $300,I was shocked.
Always seek to know the renewal price before buying hosting services from a company.
- Price
Price is also another factor to consider, a very important one. You can’t select a company which has overpriced plans no matter how well their services are. Check whether your budget is suitable for the plan you wish to purchase.
- Free features
There are specific features you will pay for but most companies offer additional features for free. Never overlook these features because they are important for your website. Some of them include:SSL Certificate, free migration, website builders,cPanel and unlimited bandwidth.
- Domain registration, renewal and transfer
Some hosting companies don’t offer domain registration, they only offer web hosting services. While hosting your website at a specific company, you may want to buy additional domains. It’s easy to do so within the company than buying elsewhere and transferring it to the company.
- Website migration policy
You should also ask whether migration is free or at a cost. In addition, knowing how to migrate your site from this host to another is also important. You may get tired with their services and plan to move to another company but they refuse to give you an okay.
Number of websites a plan can accommodate
I know of a number of hosting companies which do not allow more than one website to be hosted in one plan.But those that we use are good enough,they allow as many website as possible to be hosted by a single plan.Currently,I am using Bluehost and 12 of my websites are hosted by one plan.If you also have many websites,move them to Bluehost and enjoy their services.Click here to move to Bluehost
- Owners of the company and the age of the hosting provider
Knowing owners of a company will help you determine how long the company will exist.A limited company will probably exist forever because it’s owned by many people but a sole proprietorship company can close anytime. It’s not good to host your site with a company that can close anytime because it might go down with your site.
- Upscaling of resources/uptime
What will happen if you post an article and that single article consumes all the resources because of traffic? A good company will upscale resources to sustain the new domand,a bad company will suspend your site. I have been with Kinsta for a while because it upscale resources. Even if your plan is the cheapest one, they will do everything to ensure your site is up 24/7.Check Kinsta’s excellent features for blogs
Uptime should be at least 99.99%
- Upgrade options
Buy services from a hosting company with a variety of plans. An ideal hosting company should have shared hosting,VPS hosting, Dedicated Server Hosting and WordPress hosting. Whenever you need a more advanced plan, you can shift within the company.
- It should have e-commerce option
A good hosting company should also have e-commerce section. Nowadays most sites would want to incorporate e-commerce products into their blogs. A package for hosting e-commerce products should be available if indeed a company is good.
- Advanced security features
A lot of sites are prone to hacking. It’s therefore important for a hosting company to have advanced security features apart from SSL certificate. They should be able to remove malware and viruses at any given time.
- Regular backup
One of the most important features that every hosting company should adopt is back up. Always check how regular the hosting company back up your content. Some back up daily