Best professional courses to do in Kenya that will make you very marketable and get a job quickly


There are a number of professional courses to do in Kenya that will make you very marketable. Securing a job in Kenya is not easy, you need more than a degree. Some degrees require one to pursue a professional course for them to get a job.

Here is a list of the best professional courses to do in Kenya if you want to become very marketable and get a job quickly:

Certified Public Accountants (CPA)

Certified Public Accountants (CPA) is the most popular professional course in Kenya. It’s ideal for accountants and finance professionals.

The minimum entry requirement for professional courses is KCSE mean grade C+, or Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education with at least two principal passes provided that the applicant has credits in Mathematics and English at Kenya Certificate of Education level or equivalent qualifications, or kasneb technician, diploma or professional examination certificate or a degree from a recognized university, or IGCSE mean grade of C in 6 papers.

Certified Secretaries (CS)

Certified Secretaries course is offered by KASNEB and it’s ideal for those who have pursued Customer Service and Front Office courses. It’s also ideal for Lawyers.

Certified Credit Professionals (CCP)

Certified Credit Professional course is also offered by Kasneb and it’s best done by Credit professionals and auditors. It helps you learn how collect and manage credit and loans.

Certified Investment and Financial Analysts (CIFA)

Certified Investment and Financial Analysts (CIFA) is for Finance professionals. It’s also done by Actuaries and Statisticians working for financial institutions.

This course is just like CFA and it’s very marketable in Kenya.

Certified Information Systems Solutions Expert (CISSE)

Certified Information Systems Solutions Expert (CISSE) is for Auditors, computer engineers, software engineers and IT experts. The course is offered by KASNEB.

Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)

Chartered Financial Analyst(CFA) is the best professional course to study in Kenya if you want to work at the Nairobi Security Exchange, Central Bank of Kenya, Stock brokers, Actuarial firms, Banks and Insurance companies.CFA is generally more marketable in Kenya than CPA or any other KASNEB course.

In case you pursue a Bachelor of Commerce degree and fail to secure employment, enroll for CFA and you’ll get a job immediately you complete Level 2.CFA has three main level, Level 1-3.

Here are the requirements for one to pursue CFA:

Bachelor’s Degree

Complete a bachelor’s program or equivalent program and have received a degree from the college/university. If you are not sure if your program is comparable, consult your college or university.

Undergraduate Student

Your selected exam window must be 23 months or fewer before your graduation month for your bachelor’s degree or equivalent program. Understand that you must complete your degree program prior to the date of sitting your Level II exam.

Professional Work Experience

Have a combination of 4,000 hours of work experience and/or higher education that was acquired over a minimum of three sequential years and achieved by the date of registering for the Level I exam. The dates of education and professional work experience cannot be overlapping. If you have a combination of work experience and higher education to achieve the minimum hours and years, assume that higher education takes 1,000 hours per year.

Professional work experience does not need to be investment related.  Internships/articleships are accepted if they are paid. Work experience with your own business or your family business will qualify only if it is professional experience for which you are paid.

What does professional work experience mean? Professional work experience requires specialized knowledge, education, or advanced skills. Professional work experience requires the application of higher-level judgement and business skills, including:  

  • Leadership and teamwork
  • Business communications
  • Critical thinking and problem solving
  • Time management
  • Professional judgement
  • Analytical skills
  • Adaptability

Candidates applying to register for CFA Program without completing a bachelor’s degree must honestly evaluate whether their professional work experience has equipped them for the significant volume and depth of study demanded by CFA Program. 

Please note that CFA Institute may request proof of education (copy of diploma, marksheet, any other relevant documents) and/or work experience (letter of employment, salary slips, any other relevant documents) to be submitted at any stage of your journey as a candidate or even after becoming a member in order to demonstrate entrance requirements were met. Failure to provide requested documentation relevant to entrance requirements may result in cancellation of a current exam registration, withholding of exam results, voiding of past exam results, and may lead to investigation and disciplinary action by the CFA Institute Professional Conduct Program.  

Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)

Instead of pursuing CPA in Kenya go for ACCA because it’s more recognized globally. Most firms in Kenya prefer ACCA to CPA.Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) is ideal for Accountants and Auditors.


You need three GCSEs and two A Levels in five separate subjects including maths and English (or their equivalent) to start the ACCA Qualification

Diploma / Diploma in Technical Education Programme (TEP)Sufficient for Registration

Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE).

Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) is for auditors and those working in the security sector. It’s a very marketable course.

With a degree in Criminology, Statistics,Bcom,Economics and related course,you are allowed to pursue CFE.

Certified Human Resource Professional (CHRP)

Certified Human Resource Professional (CHRP) is ideal for HR and PR professionals.

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) Aggregate C+ (Minimum grade of C in English and Mathematics)

Have equivalent/relevant qualifications subject to approval by the Examinations Board (HRMPEB)

Certified Internal Auditor(CIA)

Certified Internal Auditor is the best professional course for Auditors in Kenya. It’s very specific as compared to CPA or ACCA.If you are already an Auditor, pursue this course.

Certified Information Systems Auditor(CISA)

Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) is also the best professional course for Auditors. If you can’t pursue CIA,enroll for CISA.

Professional certificates in Actuarial Science

Without professional courses in Actuarial Science, you won’t be recognized as an Actuary in Kenya. Most of these courses are offered by UK and USA institutions but you do them online.

Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply Certification Program

Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply Certification Program is for Procurement and Supply Chain professionals.

Here are the levels done in the course:

  • Level 2 – Certificate in Procurement and Supply Operations;
  • Level 3 – Advanced Certificate in Procurement and Supply Operations;
  • Level 4 – Diploma in Procurement and Supply;
  • Level 5 – Advanced Diploma in Procurement and Supply;
  • Level 6 – Professional Diploma in Procurement and Supply;

CIPS Entry Requirements:

  • High school certification is required for entry into the certificate level.
  • Entry into Diploma requires an advanced certificate, other relevant reputable qualification or University degree or 2yrs working experience.
  • Exemptions are issued on application to, and at the discretion of the CIPS-UK.

Physical Security Professional (PSP)

Physical Security Professional (PSP) is ideal for those working in the security sector. If you are currently pursuing Criminology course, this is the best course to do as you look for employment.

Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)

Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) is the best course for IT and Computer experts. It’s pursued online and takes few years to complete.

IT professional courses

Here is a list of professional courses to pursue as an IT expert:

  • AWS certified cloud practitioner.
  • Certified cloud security professional (CCSP)
  • Certified data privacy solutions engineer (CDPSE)
  • Certified data professional (CDP)
  • Certified ethical hacker (CEH)
  • Certified information security manager (CISM)

Bachelor of Economics professional courses

  • Certified Economic Developer
  • Chartered Economist
  • Economic Development Finance Professional
  • Chartered Economic Policy Analyst
  • Certified International Tax Analyst

CMEP® Certified Monitoring & Evaluation Professional – AIBMC

CMEP is administered by AIBMC (The American Institute for Business Management and Communication); one of the most renowned institutes in business management and communications in the United States. By earning these certifications candidates demonstrate that they have mastered the Monitoring and Evaluation Body of Knowledge, strategies, Tasks, skills and committed to AIBMC core values and code of ethics. 

CMEP® Certificate Preparation

If you are studying in order to prepare for the CMEP exam; AIBMC provides candidates with training sessions for many of the exam questions. AIBMC also provide thorough training for the exam modules using its learning system through authorized training providers and prometric centers worldwide.

AIBMC CMEP Recertification

Once you have passed the CMEP® exam and received your certificate, you will need to stay up to date on developments in the market practices. To prove you have maintained and updated your pharmaceutical market management knowledge and skills, AIBMC requires that you recertify every 4 years. (please refer to recertification for more info)


  • A passing score on the CMEP® Examination.
  • Bachelor Degree in any field or;
  • A minimum of two years experience in any related research, analysis, evaluation, economics area;
  • A Minimum of 30 hours of related program approved training (Optional For those with a Degree).

Oracle Training and Certification

Oracle Training and Certification is for IT and Computer engineers. It’s one of the most marketable professional courses in Kenya.

Statistical packages

If you pursued a degree in Statistics, you are required to do Statistical packages like R,Stata,SPSS,GIS etc for you to become more marketable.