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Below is how to pay fee to Taita Taveta University:
All fees should be paid to any of the following Banks:
Bank: Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB)
Branch: Voi Branch
Account Name: Taita Taveta University
Account No: 1136119140 OR 1135369682
Bank: Equity Bank
Account No: 0790299712769
Pay Through Lipa Na Mpesa
Paybill No. 522293
Account No. (Use Admission Number- example BE211-0001/2017. Note that TU01 in the admission number is truncated and is therefore NOT used as part of the account No).
Enter Amount
Enter MPESA Pin.
Press OK
Bring Transaction details to Finance Office for receipting.
If you are having difficulties, you may refer to the University website for further guidance.
Any further inquiries may be made through:
Registrar (Academic, Research & Outreach)
Taita Taveta University
P.O.Box 635-80300 Voi
TEL: 020-2437267 Or 0774-222064
Email: registrar-aro@ttu.ac.ke
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