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List of Accredited Actuaries in Kenya

The Retirement Benefits Authority has accredited the following companies to provide Actuarial services in Kenya:

Zamara Actuaries, Administrators & Consultants Limited

10th Floor, Landmark Plaza

Argwings Kodhek Road NAIROBI

Tel: 4969000; Fax: 4969100

Email: info@zamara.co.ke

Minet Kenya Consulting Ltd

Minet House, Processional Way

P.O. Box 48279-00100


Tel: 020 – 497 4000 / 0722 612 948

Email: marketing@minet.co.ke

Actuarial Services (East Africa) Limited

26th Floor UAP Old Mutual Towers

Upper Hill Road, Upper Hill, Nairobi

P.O. Box 10472 – 00100, NAIROBI, KENYA

Tel. 254 020 2717403/ 2710028 Fax.254 20 2726844

Email: info@actserv.co.ke

Website: www.actserv.co.ke

Nauman Associates Consulting Actuaries


6/1 Zafar Road, Lahore Cantt

Lahore, Pakistan

Email: nauman02@paknet4.ptc.pk

Watson Wyatt Partners (Zimbabwe)

6th Floor, Southampton House

68/70 Union Avenue

Harare, Zimbabwe

Kenbright Actuarial and Financial Services

ACK Garden House, Wing D Ground Floor, 1st Ngong Avenue.

  1. O. Box 28281 – 00200, Nairobi

Mobile: +254 709 783 000

Email : info@kenbright.co.ke

Website: https://kenbright.co.ke

Mr. Donald Were

Acentria Actuarial & Financial Services Ltd

West Park Towers 9th Floor, Mpesi Lane, Muthithi Road, Westlands

  1. O. Box 5864 – 00100, Nairobi

Mobile: +254 705 200 222

Email : info@acentriagroup.com

Website: www.acentriagroup.com




PricewaterhouseCoopers Limited

PWC Tower, Waiyaki Way / Chiromo Road, Westands

P.O. Box 43963 – 00100 Nairobi

Tel:  020 – 285 5000

Website: www.pwc.com/ke

Negotiated Benefits Consultants Limited

Unit 906 Dhanjay Apartments, Valley Arcade

Korosho Road, Off Gitanga Road


Tel: (office): 020 526 2433; Mobile: +254 73 726 4544

Email: info@nbckenya.co.ke

Callund Consulting Limited

154 Victoria Road

Wargrave, Berkshire

RG10 8AJ

Phone: +44118 940 3119

Email: callund@callund.com


RisCura Solutions (Kenya) Limited

Jadala Place, 3rd Floor, Ngong Lane, Ngong Road

Nairobi – Kenya

Tel: +254 20 214 9923

Ms. Mahjbeen Taki

Octagon Pension Services Limited

3rd Floor, West Park Suites, Ojijo Road

P.O. Box 10034-00100

Tel: +254 20 6001948 / 2306645; 6006646; 2155120; 2015463

Mobile: 0732-343-595; 0708-726-830 | Fax: +254 20 6001946

Email: info@octagonafrica.com | Website: www.octagonafrica.com

William M. Mercer Ltd.

Dexter House

2 Royal Mint Court

London EC3N 4NA

Ruparelia Consultants Limited

Nairobi: The Westwood, 2nd Floor, Vale Close, Off Ring Road Parklands, Westlands.

Mombasa: Maisonette No. 3, Mvita Road, Kizingo, Mombasa.

P.O. Box 80234 – 80100 Mombasa

Mobile: +254 (0) 788 – 671750 / (0) 701671750

Email : info@rcl-world.com

Website: www.rcl-world.com

Mr. Stephen Tom Walker

Old Mutual Limited

Mutualpark, Jan Smuts Drive, Pinelands 7405

P.O. Box 66 CapeTown 8000


Tel: +27 (0)21 509 9111 | Fax: +27 (0)21 509 4444

Email: swalker2@oldmutual.com | Website: www.oldmutual.co.za

Mr. Ritin Chauhan

QED Actuaries and Consultants Kenya Ltd

1st Floor Royal Offices Suite No. 17

Mogotio Road Westlands

P.O. Box 101795 – 00100


Email: info@qedactuarial.co.za

Website: http://www.qedactuarial.co.za

Ms. Sylvia Mwikali Nzau

KPMG Advisory Services Ltd

8th Floor, ABC Towers, Waiyaki Way

P.O Box 40612-00100 GPO


Email: info@kpmg.co.ke

Tel: +254 20 2806000

Website: http://www.kpmg.co.ke

Mr. Grant Base

Keystone Actuarial Solutions

Entrance 1, Ground Floor, 32 Fricker Road, Illovo, 2196, South Africa

Tel: +27 71 549 9854

Email: Grant.Base@KeystoneAS.co.za

Website: www.KeystoneAS.co.za

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