Celcom Africa MPESA Paybill Number


Celcom Africa is known for providing cheap bulk SMS.Customers pay through MPESA paybill number which is 874307.

If you want to pay for any service from the company, follow these steps:
1. Select “Lipa Na Mpesa” from the M-Pesa menu.

2. Enter business number:874307

3. Enter your Account business name (that was assigned to you)

4. Enter the amount you wish to pay.

5. Enter your M-Pesa PIN

6. Confirm that all details are correct.

7. You will receive a confirmation of the transaction via SMS.
Once you make the payment, your account will be loaded automatically and a receipt will be issued and your SMS Account credit.

You are also allowed to pay via Paypal, Cheque and bank but MPESA is the most convenient way to make your payment.


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