Maina Kageni Salary per month



Langata MP Felix Odiwuor aka Jalango has revealed the salary Maina Kageni earns at Radio Africa. According to Jalango, Maina earns Ksh 3 million per month. He also reveals that Maina receives huge commissions from the land he advertises on his program. In a month, he can take home up to Ksh 10 million.

Maina joined Classic FM in 2024 where he partnered with Mwalimu Kingangi to host morning show.The two have perfectly worked together as brother and sister. Classic FM is one of the most listened programs in Kenya.

Mr Kageni is single and searching. He doesn’t hold any degree qualification. At one time,he revealed that he finished high school and flew to USA to work as a Truck Driver. He only returned to Kenya after few hours to join the media industry.But he performs better than Kenyans with journalism qualification.


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