How much does TikTok pay in Kenya shillings


TikTok pays 2 cts to 4 cts per 1000 views which translate to Ksh 2000 to Ksh 4000 per 1 million views. Those Kenyan TokTokers who receive traffic from UK, USA and other European countries earn 4 cts per 1000 views. The ones that only attract traffic from Kenyan audience earn 2 cts per 1000 views.

It’s not easy to make a lot of money from TikTok unless your videos get millions of views daily.If you get 1 million daily, then you’ll earn Ksh 60,000 to Ksh 120,000 per month.

Below is the amount of money TikTok pays in Kenyan shillings:

1000 views—2 cts to 4 cts

10,000 views—Ksh20 to Ksh40

100,000 views—Ksh200 to Ksh400

1 million views—Ksh 2000 to Ksh 4000

10 million views—Ksh 20,000 to Ksh 40,000

100 million views—Ksh 200,000 to Ksh 400,000

Those earning Ksh 200,000 and above are the ones who make decent income from TikTok.

For one to benefit from TikTok,they should come up with innovative ways of making money.One of them is by selling your own products. If you have a fashion/cosmetics shop,market the products on your channel.

Another way of earning money from TikTok is by sharing affiliate links. You can market Jumia products and earn commissions.

If you stand out, you will be invited to entertain people and get paid. Others are booked to present surprise gifts.

TikTok also allows you to ask for your audience to support you through MPESA.

TikTok vs YouTube, which one pays better

YouTube pays better than TikTok.In Kenya, YouTube pays Ksh 50 to Ksh200 per 1000 views. For 1 million views, YouTube will pay you Ksh 150,000 to Ksh300, 000.