1000 views YouTube income USA traffic 2024


With 1000 YouTube views, you will make $2 to $50 per 1000 views from USA traffic. The income will depend on various factors, one of them being the watch time …and also your content niche. Generally, average income from 1000 views from USA traffic is $5

YouTube pays content creators 55% of the revenue generated from a channel. Assuming that for every 1,000 views, your channel generates $10, you will receive $0.55 and the rest will be retained by YouTube

When starting your own channel, ensure you consider highest paying niches. In 2024, here are the highest paying niches:

Digital Marketing $10 to $20
Personal Finance $15 to $30
Tech $15 to $20
Mortgage $20 to $50
Loans $20 to $45
Real Estate $20 to $50
Health & Fitness $15 to $40
Cryptocurrency $10 to $35
Insurance $25 to $100
Education $10 to $50
Make money online $15 to $60
Web Hosting $10 to $70

To get traffic from USA, your content should be written with keywords that target the traffic. You cannot write content about India and get traffic from USA.

Income of your channel will also depend on the authority of the channel, quality and length of the videos. Always ensure that each video is at least 10 minutes long.

The time each of your visitors will view your video will also determine how much to earn. If someone comes, watches the video for just 1 minute and leaves without any advert appearing, you will earn very little amount.