Stallion South Africa Affiliate Program Review: How to join, Commissions, Payment Method and how to make money


Stallion is one of the best web hosting companies in South Africa with affiliate program. While promoting the company’s products, their affiliate program will help you make money in the process.

Stallion affiliate Commissions

Qualifying Products/Services Commission Price
Web Hosting
Colt Package Earn R 12.50 commission per month R 50/month
Mare Package Earn R 16.25 commission per month R 65/month
Stallion Package Earn R 30.00 commission per month R 120/month
Reseller Hosting
Standard Earn R 40.00 commission per month R160/month
Proseller Earn R 57.50 commission per month R 230/month
Corporate Earn R 73.75 commission per month R 295/month

How much money to earn from the program

The amount of money to earn will depend on your efforts. With 100k monthly visitors, you will make R500 to R20,000 per month from the affiliate program.

Your niche should be Web hosting or blogging for you to earn decent income with highly targeted traffic.

The company pays you commission of 25% of your hosting fee every month. Assuming that you pay R10,000, you will be earning R2,500 monthly.

How to join

Visit Stallion web hosting website, click on affiliate program and signup. They will approve your application and provide you with the marketing materials.

They provide affiliate link and banners to place on your website.

Payment method and threshold

The payment method is via the bank or PayPal. Minimum payment threshold is R500.

Stallion Web Hosting Contacts

In case you have an issue with the affiliate program, contact the company via the following details:


Phone:+27(0)72 622 7834


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